Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mary and Joseph Confusion

We live on a Catholic compound here in Musoma. They recently built a sort of grotto thing to hold a statue of Mary, painted it pink, and surrounded it with potted plants, flags, and colored lights. It's quite bold to say the least, but fortunately the pink has faded. Tessa is enamoured with Mary, and we must greet her every time we come in the compound if Tessa's with us ... "Hi Mary!"

Ironically, the gatekeeper is named Joseph. Tessa, who has never seen the classic Disney movies, recently received a coloring book with Cinderella, Beauty, Jasmine, and some other heroines with their beaus. She thinks they are Mary and Joseph. Apparently all the Biblical Christmas stories she was so familiar with in December have now been replaced with the "Mary statue - Joseph gatekeepr - Disney" combo. I'll have to think of some fun Biblical lesson to get her back on track.

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