Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Hill House

Welcome to our humble home. You're looking at our back porch, where we spend lots of time snacking, web-browsing, riding the rocking horse, and chatting with friends. If you look behind you, you will see a lovely view of Lake Victoria and our backyard. This view constantly rejuvenates and refreshes us. Sometimes we have a hammock hanging between these two trees, and sometimes an inflatable baby pool down by the steps. Occasionally we are visited by mongeese, a hedgehog, monkeys, and a monitor lizard. Come on over for some peanut butter cookies, fresh squeezed lime-ade, a game of Boggle, or Sunday night hymns.


Rich and Jen said...

Monkeys! Oh goodness! I know monkeys are supposed to be cute but I have to admit they sometimes give me the creeps...I can't imagine one peeking at me in my backyard! LOL!

Unknown said...

Hey, Dusty and Kim. The house looks sweet... though you've really got to post a photo looking out at Lake Vic. That's very cool. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures in Tanzania. A fellow afrophile. -Nate

Erin said...

I so wish we could come over for cookies and especially Sunday night hymns. You've inspired Clark and I to want to start that tradition as well! I can't wait to keep up with you better through blogging - I love to hear about what's going on there and see how you guys are doing. Yea!