Sunday, March 7, 2010

You Know You're a Missionary When...

-you have enough luggage under the beds to host the town's population of mice.
-you have at least three Action Packers (plastic storage lockers) which are covered in fabric and being used as furniture.
-you know how to scrap your meal plan and come up with something good and fast when the electricity goes out an hour before dinner.
-you cook with grams, cups, milliliters, Fahrenheit, and Celcius.
-you have a system for bathing, flushing, and washing dishes without running water for days.
-you've figured out things you never would have understood back home - electricity, computers, plumbing, and exterminating.
-you keep a flashlight next to the bed, and you use it frequently.
-you're satisfied having accomplished three out of seven errands when you go to town.
-your main reason for using child car seats is to keep kids from flying around while you bump and bounce over washed-out dirt roads full of pot holes.
-you bring Bibles in two languages to church, plus a dictionary, and still only catch 1/4 of the sermon even though you were paying attention.
-broccoli and lettuce seem exotic, while mangoes and papaya seem boring.
-you use cloth rags for cleaning instead of paper towels, and it's not because you're environmentally conscious.
-you write newsletters and take family photos every month.
-you laugh when you see a magazine photo making a mosquito net look charming or romantic.


Pamela said...

I hope the system for bathing, flushing and washing dishes doesn't use the same water in that order....

Ann said...

Kim, this is Ann Janak from HP... just wanted to say I've been following your blog for a while now, and love hearing about your adventures. You're living a life the rest of us can't even fathom and doing it with such a great attitude and sense of humor!

kimom said...

You know you're a missionary when you talk about your de-worming schedule like taking out the garbage. Ooh this is fun!