Tessa looking cute in Jack's circle of trains
The station master surrounded by those he loves
Ok, before any of you pitch a fit be informed that Dusty only takes the kids for slow rides around the small loop in our compound, which is a private dirt road. Even I find no harm in it, and they love it! He does insist on them wearing "protective" eye gear and footwear.
Dusty uses his "piki piki" for going to the office as it uses far less fuel than the truck (recall our fuel prices are astronomically higher than in the States). He also uses it to stimulate his mind and talents as it seems to always be begging for a repair or two, or three...
Waiting for a ride on the piki piki all geared out
After her turn on the piki piki, Tessa said, "Thanks for the ride, Pop!" We have no idea how she decided to call Dusty "Pop," but it was as cute as she is!
The QUIZ photo: Anyone who can tell me what type of lily this is will win an all expense unpaid trip to Musoma, Tanzania, a glass of fresh lemonade here on our back porch, and a lily bulb to take back through customs. The lilies have a very sweet and strong fragrance, and the leaves are broad and flat and grow up to 4 feet high. Each stalk can produce up to 12 flowers. Any guesses??
Where is this taking me?
Is that a fortnight lily?
This is a water lily
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