Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter Bunnies

Tessa's pink Easter dress this year came from mtumba (the used clothing market) here in Musoma. It is 100% silk, was probably a flower-girl dress once, and we bought it for less than $5.00 for a dress-up princess birthday party that she attended in January. We hunt the mtumba for upholstery/curtain fabric, fitted sheets, clothes, shoes, and other random items. You might remember the huge America flag I bought there? Jack doesn't have dress-up clothes, and guess what? He doesn't care and neither does anyone else! Of course here, any piece of clothing without rips and stains is pretty much dress-up anyway.

The Easter package from my mom arrived a few days late, so we had the Easter egg hunt the Saturday after Easter - it just made the holiday seem longer. Thursday before Easter was a Muslim holiday, and Good Friday and Easter Monday are national holidays here too, so we all enjoyed our 5 days off. I think Easter is a bigger holiday here than Christmas is. Churches have services every day starting Thursday. It's nice to be in a place that has never heard of the Easter Bunny, and where God has all the glory. Not that we don't appreciate a little Easter chocolate of course.

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