* Your kids play a game they call "mosquito" while chasing each other with pointed fingers while buzzing about.
* You catch a chameleon in the back yard, and the locals are afraid of it.
* You never know when you electricity or water will not be working, and when the water comes back on, you never know what it will look like - or taste like! Don't worry - we wouldn't go near this stuff, except with a camera.
* You hear a voice calling "hodi" instead of a knock at the door.
* Bicycles pass your vehicle on the road because the road is so rough that your four wheels are in four separate pot holes.
* You have a shoe motto which is, "Crocs, Stocks, or Flops" (Crocs, Birkenstocks or flip flops), and your kids aren't really sure what socks are for.
* You see monkeys and mongooses while exercising.
* You have a milkman bring milk every day from local cows, and your eggs are still warm and have chicken gunk on them.
* Locals transport items on their heads instead of in backpacks, purses, or computer cases. These items include water, wheeled luggage, soap, sugar cane, benches, milk, firewood, and well, you name it.
* Having a personal vehicle is rare.
* The word "football" means "soccer," and it's the only sport that matters.
* A good wedding present is a gift-wrapped goat.
* Your house's view of your garden and Lake Victoria is worth a vastly greater amount than your rent.
* The only seasons are wet and dry, Christmas is hot, there's no daylight savings, and the sunset time only varies by 20 minutes all year round.
* Your kid complains of a tummy ache, and you immediately suspect amoeba, worms, or giardia. Your child has a fever and you're pondering malaria.
* You're thankful for your safe arrival after any short or long car trip.
* You feel you're right where God wants you to be!